You know what I love about these verses is the community mindset. Look at 32 and 33, "That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door..."
Everyone in the town had heard about Jesus' synagogue incident. All the townspeople were convinced that Jesus was the one who could heal people from their sickness and uncleanliness.
They recognized Jesus' authority, but that's not what impresses me.
They cared about people.
They saw people who were sick and imprisoned by an evil spirit and they wanted to help them. They wanted them to be healed.
This challenges me.
The clean helping the unclean. They don't come to Jesus for themselves, they have seen and they want others to see this incredible authority that has power over disease and demons.
Jesus' teaching in the synagogue is amazing to the people because it has authority. Authoritative teaching that is not found in the teachers of the law. I wish I could have been in that synagogue in Capernaum and witnessed first hand the way Jesus taught. I wish I could have seen the difference between the way he taught and the way the TotL taught.
What was it about his message that made his teaching amazing?
How could they tell the authority by which he was teaching? (i'm sure some Jewish Rabbinical study would shed light on this.)
A tangible demonstration of his authority in the casting out of the unclean spirit from a man in the synagogue.
New authority.
Not like the teachers of the law.
Casting out evil spirits.
The first stop, recorded in Mark, of Jesus and some of his disciples. I have to think that these guys (Simon, Andrew, James and John) are already thinking that choosing to follow Jesus is going to be a wild ride.
They're just following a rabbi that called them.
They've never heard of any rabbi doing anything like this before.
!muy interesante!