thoughts on Mark 1.40-45
Be Clean! I need to come to Jesus. I need to clean up. It's an everyday type of thing. This leaper has been ousted from the Temple because of his unclenliness. He is wanting desperately to be healed and clean.
Jesus cures him and he is healed.
As a result the man goes and tells everyone about Jesus and this miracle that has occurred. Jesus can no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.
Lonely places because no one will go out of the towns to mingle among people who have been cast out or unclean. Yet, this is where Jesus stays. Yet the people still come to him from everywhere.
How great the reverse, with people staying outside of towns in the suburbs and the inner cities being the place that looks most like the place where Jesus would have been hanging out.
Jesus challenges people to come to him, even though his surroundings are not ideal. Is the character of Jesus compelling and attractive enough to me to seek him out even in the most uncomfortable environments?
Jesus cures him and he is healed.
As a result the man goes and tells everyone about Jesus and this miracle that has occurred. Jesus can no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.
Lonely places because no one will go out of the towns to mingle among people who have been cast out or unclean. Yet, this is where Jesus stays. Yet the people still come to him from everywhere.
How great the reverse, with people staying outside of towns in the suburbs and the inner cities being the place that looks most like the place where Jesus would have been hanging out.
Jesus challenges people to come to him, even though his surroundings are not ideal. Is the character of Jesus compelling and attractive enough to me to seek him out even in the most uncomfortable environments?